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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: ENDOCRINE SYSTEM, protein made up of chains of amino acids, adrenal glands found in adrenal medulla, liver in which lipids converted to fatty acids, ant. pituitary releases FSH, adrenal medulla stimulated by sympathetic nervous system, hormones two main types steroid, cell metabolism/ respiration therefore alot of ATP produced, specific tissues called target tissues, birth control pills contain progesterone, hormones affect metabolism, acromegaly is broadening of facial features, ant. pituitary releases LH, 1. flow phase aka menstruation, development of follicles in ovary release estrogen, 2. follicular phase is days 6-13 of cycle, protein synthesis by increasing uptake of amino acids from cells, growth hormone target cells all body cells, thyroxine high levels can lead to condition called hyperthyroidism, thyroid gland secretes thyroxine, male structures seminiferous tubules